Bauland nominated for best Urban planning work in Lithuania
Very happy to share the news that Sustainable Panevėžys City Development Strategy created by Bauland team was shortlisted for the first National Architecture Awards (NAA).
Category - urban planning work.
The strategy was developed in close cooperation with Panevėžio miesto savivaldybė
More details about the strategy

Bauland together with ŠA Atelier wins 3rd place in Anykščiai Museum Hill competition
Competition project for A. Baranauskas and A. Vienuolis-Žukauskas Memorial Museum proposes the museum hill and homestead ensemble as a public space for acquaintance, recreation and meeting. Highlighting the distinctive site features of the 20th century such as unity of buildings, plants and the surrounding landscape and an organic connection with the natural environment.

Bauland joins initiative "Restore the wonderful Ukraine"
At the first international event "Rebuild Wonderful Ukraine", representatives of Lithuanian and Ukrainian architectural communities and non-governmental organizations discussed how Lithuanian urban planning professionals could contribute to Ukrainians rebuilding war-ravaged cities.
Online event Video

Klaipėda City Council members approoves the most ambitious modernization alternative of the “Žvejų Rūmai” palace
In collaboration with different stakeholders, we developed the ambition of the palace and three alternatives for modernizing the building to achieve this ambition.
Presentation of the modernization concept of the Fishermen's Chamber at the meeting of the Klaipėda City Council collegium

Proud to present a case study of strategic spatial planning for Visaginas at 15th Lithuanian Urban Forum
Donatas Baltrušaitis gave a lecture titled “Inclusive strategic spatial planning. Case study of Visaginas” in a 15th annual Lithuanian Urban Forum organized by the Ministry of the Environment of Lithuania. Click on the link below to watch the lecture (in Lithuanian).

Bauland presents scenario’s to revitalize the territory of Klaipėda Energy
We are pleased to share the presentation of the feasibility study regarding the convertion scenarios for the territory of AB Klaipėdos Energija in Klaipėda. We would like to thank everyone who was involved in the feasibility study process, who participated in the creative meetings, presentations and discussions. Below you can find a link to a video of public presentation.
Public presentation recording, local newsletters about the project

Argelander center for Arts and Sciences in an abandoned Klaipėda central post office?
Feasibility study of Klaipėda central post office completed. We are happy to have co-created three different scenario’s for the revival of central post together with Idėjos miestui and Altitudės and everyone who contributed and got involved. Will the idea of Argelander center for Arts and Sciences go forward? Let’s hope so.
Newsletters about the results of the study

Artists are invited to create ideas how to revitalize Augustine monastery courtyard!
During the creative workshops of the fourth Augustine monastery complex, the artists took part in a competition of ideas. The voting has started for the best idea to revitalize courtyard of the monastery. The project is sponsored by the Lithuanian Culture Council. Feasibility study is being done by Bauland and Xwhy. Below is the link for the final results.
The results of artists' ideas competition

Bauland prepares a feasibility study for a new train station competition in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius. Zaha Hadid Architects wins the competition.
We are happy to have been able to contribute to the implementation of this competition! This project is a game changer on local and international perspectives. Can't wait to travel high-speed electrified rail from Vilnius to Tallinn-Riga-Kaunas-Warsaw and Berlin.
BUSTLER about he competition results

New pedestrian alley design in the Old Town of Trakai
Bauland has proposed a design to eliminate car transit traffic from historical town of Trakai and to create a pedestrian, cyclist oriented alley instead. Made in Vilnius article about the project below in the link.

SPOT Festival - sustainable mobility game and discussion in action
Bauland participates in an initiative born of the organizers of the SPOT festival, for the first time in the history of the festival, inviting different people, artists, urban planners to participate in a game and discussion that will explore how we move around the city, challenges, how will we move in Vilnius in 2050?

Oxford Street’s green renaissance as radical new plans revealed
Happy that Bauland had a chance to contribute and participate in a great milestone for London's Oxford street pedestrian-oriented design.
More information in the project website.

Park of the Mammoth proposal wins Bauland the 1st prize in architectural-urban competition
Bauland together with a strong team of multidisciplinary experts has won the architectural-urban competition to revive a unique geomorphological reserve in the center of Vilnius. More information in the project description.
Publication link
New European Bauhaus initiative in Lithuania
Donatas Baltrušaitis was invited to read a lecture for the New European Bauhaus initiative organized by Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Lecture titled “A pandemic makes you (re)think Sustainability / Beauty / Collaboration” is aimed to provoke new thoughts about Climate Crisis context and how complex planning is capable of providing solutions.
This is only the first event in preparation for the ambition of the Ministry of Environment and the application to the European Commission to become one of the 5 European pilot cities where the greatest ambitions for progress will be concentrated.
Conference video

Publication of Evaluation and Improvement of Different Urban Zones in Lithuania has been written and issued by Paulius Kliučininkas in collaboration with Bauland
„Užstatymo morfotipų įvertinimas ir gerinimas Lietuvoje'' is dedicated to identify different urban environments in cities and towns of Lithuania. At the same time, it encourages local municipalities to start the planning process, projects or discussions which are necessary in a territory. The evaluation of urban environment is based on Compact city theory, which encompasses the sustainable development goals and the vision of Comprehensive Plan of the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania.
Funded by Lietuvos Kultūros Taryba
Publication link

Publication of Public Spaces and Their Benefits has been written and issued by Justina Šerpetauskytė in collaboration with Bauland
„Mūsų aplinkos erdvės: kaip jas įsivertinti ir pagerinti” highlights the significant social, health, economic and environmental benefits of improvement of our public space. This paper gives a questionnaire to help evaluate six the most comman public spaces in both cities and towns and recommendations how to improve them.
Funded by Lietuvos Kultūros Taryba
Publication link

Bauland participates in urban creative workshop "Newtown code" of Kaunas
After selection, Bauland was invited to participate in creating an urban vision for historical Newtown of Kaunas. Distinct area of the city distuinguishes itself with a modernistic grid structure and abundance of architectural modernism heritage. How to revive a car-oriented district and to make the area more lively while maintaining it’s unique heritage?
Publication link

The concept of a detailed plan for Vilnius station area will be discussed publicly
After submitting strategic environmental assesment (SEA) project for Vilnius railway station, Vilnius municipality launches public discussion with final version for future development.
Publication link

Public presentation event of Comprehensive Plan of the Territory of Lithuania
Donatas Baltrušaitis presents urban development vision for 2030 and answers to the questions of interested society.
Conference video

Augustinian monastery urban vision broadcasted in national Lithuanian television
Paulius Kliučininkas presented Augustinian monastery urban vision conference of Lithuanian social innovation cluster.
Broadcasted video

Tech in Policy-Making
Donatas Baltrušaitis moderates a conference “Exploring the Use of Data for Urban Planning” on GovTech Week.
Conference video

Sustainability Compass of the Comprehensive Plan of the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania
BAULAND presents online lecture on VASAB.

How to redevelop the tsar prison of Lukiškės in the center of Vilnius?
BAULAND participates in a news radio discussion “Verslo pulsas”.
Discussion record

Lecture on “Strategic spatial (re)planning”
Donatas Batrušaitis gives a lecture in Martynas Mažvydas public library.
Lecture video
Workshop to envision the future of Lukiškės prison
BAULAND participated in an intense workshop to create a vision for the future of Lukiškės prison.
Article about the workshop

Lecture on “Smart urban strategies and territorial identity”
Donatas Baltrušaitis gave a lecture in Structum smart city conference about how to plan cities in the era of Anthropocene.
Lecture video

Conference in Visaginas to rethink the future goals of the city
Conference with local inhabitants, Lithuanian ministry of the interior and Visaginas municipality to rethink the future goals of the city.

The circular economy: will we sort or pollute?
Bauland was interviewed for an article in “Statyba ir architektūra” to discuss the challenges of Circular economy and how efficient urban planning could be part of the solution.

Game of Powers workshop in Cesis, Latvia
BAULAND played a planning instrument Game of Powers with our brothers and sisters in Latvia, Cēsis! Together with Gauja municipality representatives and ALPS we made a couple of presentations with international national park project references, a throughout strategy together with design ideas. Strategies were set on the table to revive Gauja national park for more active local and tourist uses.
Game of Powers
XII-th Lithuanian Urban Forum
Donatas Baltrušaitis together with LIthuanian Assocation for Urban Innovation and Ministry of the Environment of Lithuania is organizing the XII-th Lithuanian Urban Forum as well as curates and moderates the workshop "Compact city: challenges and opportunities" together with Architects’ Chamber of Lithuania.

Lecture on "12 Urban Strategies"
Bauland gives a lecture in the Architectural Fund lecture series on "12 Urban Strategies", Kaunas, Lithuania.
Lecture video

Bauland participates in International Society Of City And Regional Planners congress in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Donatas Baltrušaitis participated as a co-curator of a workshop "How to leverage economy through spatial projects? The case of Dortmund".
Project link

"What about Circular Economy?" selected to TOP 15
Donatas Baltrušaitis wrote paper on topic "What about Circular Economy?". It was selected to TOP 15 from 230 papers in ISOCARP 50th Congres.
Publication "XXI century architects condition"
Article about "XXI century architects condition" published in Lithuanian architecture magazine "Archiforma".